Saturday, January 26, 2013

Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin

I just finished reading the novel 'Love the One You're With" by Emily Giffin. This is actually the first book I've read of hers, besides seeing the movie 'Something Burrowed'. I liked it. It wasn't too mind-blowingly fantastic, but it was a good read. Although, it was really hard to put down because I was constantly wondering what the main character, Ellen was thinking and what she was going to do next.

Now I've heard that most of her books involve romance and this is definitely your typical Emily Giffin book. The summary from the back of the book reads:
"Ellen and Andy Graham have the perfect marriage. There is no question how deep their devotion and how naturally they bring out the best in each other. But one fateful afternoon, Ellen runs into Leo. The one who brought out the worst in her. The one who left her heartbroken nearly a decade ago. The one she could never quite forget. When his reappearance ignites long dormant emotions, Ellen begins to question whether the life she's living is the one she's meant to live."
So I got this at Barnes and Nobles for $15. I was quite torn about buying this book or another book I picked up there, but the subtitle line on this book just grabbed me. It said: "A novel for anyone who has ever wondered: How can I truly love the one I'm with, when I can't forget the one who got away?" Now I'm a sucker for romance books and life lessons revolving around love. So I just had to get this book.

This book definitely tugged at my heart strings. There wasn't anything too dramatic in it but I felt like I was actually Ellen, the plot and context was so real. There are quite a few flashbacks from Ellen's point of view to give you a bit of background detail of her life before her husband Andy and parts of her life before and after college. Also, I felt like I knew the characters and I could picture them in my head because of the descriptive summaries Emily writes about them. It's not just one of those cliché fairytale novels, this book depicts real problems and love complexes that ordinary people deal with; first loves and their complications that come with it. But I don't want to spoil anything for anyone so overall I definitely recommend this book to anyone that's looking for a light-hearted romance novel packed with life lessons.

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